Calling All Content!

We keep hearing “Content is King.” As a small business, it can be challenging to create content for social media posts, blog posts, website pages, email campaigns, print collateral and more on a daily or weekly basis. Where do you find content? How do you create it? Is it OK to regurgitate it? Here are a few tips to help curb your content challenges.

You could scour the internet all day for information, education and ideas, but a more effective approach is signing up for Google Alerts, Google Reader and RSS feeds. That way you will receive relevant information on the subjects you choose from the sources you trust. The key to information hunting is having a filter. Choose stories that are relevant, timely and appropriate for your audience.

Social media is a great place to find content. Take a few minutes each day to read through what’s trending on Twitter through #hashtags and Lists – what are people talking about, what kinds of Lists is your company on? Join the conversation, answer questions, pose questions and establish yourself as an authority. Do the same on Facebook and see if you can find interesting conversations or something that sparks some thought about your products and services.

Lastly, don’t forget to look in your own backyard when it comes to social media and blogging. Your annual reports, customer testimonials, FAQs and marketing materials can help you find great tidbits for posts.

Creating Content
Don’t let this be intimidating. It doesn’t have to be rocket science, a tome or in the running for the Nobel Prize – you are simply telling the story of your brand. Blogs should be short, to the point and clear. Social media forces you to be brief and creative. Your website and print collateral provide a blank canvas for sharing your passions.  Make connections for your audience by showing them new and creative uses for your products and services, tell them a story and show them how you are unique.  Remember you are the expert, the teacher.  Do you have thoughts, ideas or opinions about your industry?  Sure you do.  Share them thoughtfully and productively to inform your audience and encourage them to join the conversation.

Your audience wants to hear from you – what you do and don’t recommend, what motivates you, what new products, services and technologies they can expect to see and more.

Have fun! It’s OK, and often encouraged, to have a sense of humor with your content. Make sure it’s appropriate, but telling a joke or funny story or going off topic every once in a while keeps your audience engaged.  Creating content is also a great opportunity to define your company “voice.”

Show your audience all sides of your business. Share staff stories and recommendations, show how your product is made and what your company does for fun – your customers will feel more connected to your business.

Be sure to give credit when reposting what someone else has written or created.  If you are unable to give credit where credit is due, consider not posting the content at all or instead rephrase the content with your own spin.  Use what others are saying as an opportunity to join the conversation, share ideas and establish yourself and an expert.

Get out of the box and start sharing your story!

Upbeat Marketing creates content for all types and sizes of businesses. If you need help with messaging, copywriting or any of the above-mentioned items, please give us a call at 512-222-7141 or email us at

Thank you for reading,

Sarah Holick
Sr. Account Manager

About upbeatmarketing

Austin, TX Founder of Upbeat Marketing
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